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Optimize your eClosing process with eNote

Generate, sign, store, and transfer eNotes through Stavvy’s digital real estate platform.

Image of laptop opened to generating an eNote on the Stavvy platform

eNote is the final step of the digital mortgage closing process

eNotes help lenders streamline their eClosing process with greater accuracy and expedited funding.

Icon to represent expedited financial transaction

Expedite delivery to the secondary market

Leverage eNotes to shorten cycle times and expedite funding. Electronic delivery eliminates the need to process and mail physical mortgage notes.

Icon to represent protection

Enhance security

eNotes offer greater protection than paper mortgage notes. The tamper-evident seal applied after signing ensures that the eNote remains unaltered post-closing.

Icon to represent operational efficiency

Improve operational efficiency

An eNote can enhance efficiency by simplifying the signing process, improving data quality, and mitigating the risk of misplaced or lost notes.

Icon to represent eNote

Offer greater transparency

Improve transparency by allowing all mortgage stakeholders to view the eNote’s information at any time while leveraging the MERS® eRegistry to identify the note's rights-holders and conduct transfers.

Illustration of a RON mortgage transaction on the Stavvy platform

Leverage eNote to offer a full eClosing with RON  


  • Improve customer satisfaction
  • Expedite closing times  
  • Create capacity for more deals 
  • Attract more customers 

eClosing with eNote is safer and more secure


  • Digital ID verification 
  • Tamper-sealed documents
  • Robust audit trails
  • Audio and video recording
Illustration representing Stavvy eNote
Badge representing MISMO RON compliance

MISMO® certified solution

The Stavvy platform meets MISMO standards and best practices so that you can conduct remote notarization with confidence. 

Badge representing SOC 2 compliance

SOC2 Compliant

Stavvy maintains a SOC 2 Type 2 audit report to demonstrate our commitment to protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer data. 

Are you ready to optimize mortgage closings with eNote?

Illustration of a weightlifter lifting a barbell with weights made of paper